What is the quality of the string?
Metal-core strings are made up entirely of metal or has a steel core then wound with precious metal (such as gold, platinum).10, 11, 15 E strings, being the thinnest of the violins 4 strings (G, D, A, and E) creates the highest frequency. Therefore the E string on violins are normally always a metal-core string as these are the thinnest of the 3 types (gut-core, synthetic, and metal-core) of strings available.4, 6, 10
How does it affect its performance?
The tone produced by metal-core strings are usually simple, clear, direct, pure sounding, and bright.5, 14, 15, 24, 25 They produce the least amount of overtones and has a reasonably quick response time.4, 10 Best suited for: Jazz, country, bluegrass, and rock string players.5, 14, 24
[4] Stowell. R, The Cambridge Companion to the Violin, 1995
[5] http://www.theviolinsite.com/violin_making/violin_wood.html, 2014
[6] http://illumin.usc.edu/73/the-violin-the-art-behind-the-sound/, 2005
[10] http://www.violinwizard.com/violin_parts.html, 2012
[11] http://www.theviolinsite.com/history.html, n.d
[14] http://www.johnsonstring.com/strings-types-steel-core.htm, 2015
[24] Coggins, Alan. Year 12 Research Project. 2015. Email
[25] Kulafrone, Ruth. Updated Research Project Questions. 2015. Email