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Violin Bow

What is the quality of the bows?


3 different types of bows are out on the market today. Wood bows, carbon fibre and fiberglass. Main wood being used for bows is pernumbuco.2, 3, 4, 10, 20, 22, 25 Other woods being used are brazil wood from brazil and ebony from Africa.10 White horse hairs are used more than black hairs as they are smoother in texture and aren’t as rough sounding.25 Horse hairs were selected for their electrostatic qualitites.6

The ribbon of hair or synthetic material is fixed to the frog, usually made of ebony, covered by a mother-of-pearl décor.3, 4, 25 Near the frog is a grip made of wire, silk or “whalebone wrap”, with a thumb cushion next to the grip made of either leather or snakeskin.25 Usually there is a little metal, screw adjuster on the end, this is used to tighten/loosen the horse hairs/synthetic material as if they are left tightened they may damage the bow.4, 22, 25 On the other end of the bow is the tip, made of either bone, ivory and mammoth ivory or silver.25

How does it affect its performance?


Most professional violinists choose either a carbon fibre or wooden bow.25 Of the 3 types of bows Pernambuco is still being labeled as having the perfect combination of weight, density, and balance for advance playing.2, 3, 4, 10, 20, 22, 25 The tip of the bow which holds the hair and is much lighter in weight to ‘balance’ out the bow; allowing performers to have quick responses and execute advanced bowing techniques.3, 4, 22, 25

[2] Wechsberg. J, The Violin, 1973

[3] Farga. F, Violins and Violinists, 1950

[4] Stowell. R, The Cambridge Companion to the Violin, 1995

[10], 2012

[20], n.d

[22], 2004

[25] Kulafrone, Ruth. Updated Research Project Questions. 2015. Email

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